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Dear Mrs. Marquez  


Sir Donald Bradman is an Australian Idol; the greatest cricket player of all time. He fought for Australia in the war and on the cricket pitch. He is a notable person for me because he showed courage and determination throughout his entire lifetime. He showed courage through heading off to war for Australia, and determination in not giving up on his dreams such as: wanting to become an international cricket player, and wanting to become the captain of the team. Towards the end of his career, he achieved both. He shows that if you never give up, you will eventually get where you want to be. He also demonstrates patience, from 1927, (when he started playing cricket for Australia) and later waiting eight years ,he finally reached his goal.  


Some of the difficulties I ran into whilst researching about Bradman include that there is hardly any information about Bradman's early life. This is quite expected though because Bradman wasn't famous at the age 5. The only bits of information are things like him practising with a cricket stump and a golf ball against a water tank. People started reporting about Bradman when he started exceeding in cricket.  But there were some easier parts to research about, such as: where he lived and what his parents and siblings were like. Even though there weren’t many difficulties I ran into, it was enough to knock me around a bit especially if we were doing something about their childhood. 


Bradman has had many career achievements, some of which are the best in the world. One of his most famous career achievements is getting his test average, 99.94. Don Bradman's batting average is the best ever test average in the history of cricket. There were also a few achievements outside of work. During the war, Don took a break from cricket and joined the Air force. After three months he was moved to the Australian Army because he was not needed in the Air Force. After about a year Bradman was discharged from the Army because of an underlying health condition, which was fibrositis thrice. During the great depression many people looked up to Bradman because he didn't let it stop him. He just powered through. I find this part of Bradman amazing, he shows determination and resilience but at the same time he is helping Australia through on one of the hardest times there was. These are just a few of the many achievements Bradman achieved over his life. 


Nothing about Bradman's success is based on luck. He practised and practised and practised for many years to get where he was. Even though he did not have a coach or a trainer, that made him even better. That is why I respect him the way I do. He was determined to finish what he had started, like achieving a goal. From the age of 13, Don's dad took him to a cricket game in Brisbane and Don had already told himself that at some point in his life he would be playing on that pitch. That was when he started appreciating cricket as a game. 


From 1934 until 11 September 1946, Bradman decided to leave cricket to establish a life outside of cricket. He became a stockbroker. In 1939 World War 2 broke out. He decided to join the RAAF. This was a big choice for Bradman because he had no experience with war or fighting. After passing all medical tests, he was sworn in and placed as a reserve for air crew members. But he then was transferred to the Australian Army, and after brief training, they assigned him as a Lieutenant, with the task of Physical Training officer. He was then discharged from the army because of underlying health conditions in 1943. After recuperating in Bowral, Bradman moved back to Adelaide to continue working as a stockbroker. Don Bradman's career has nothing to do with luck. It was all practice, practice, practice. 


Don Bradman's legacy has been more than important in shaping Australia as it is today. Bradman was often described as a "bright star" by the way he inspired people even during the worst of times. This legacy is still alive today and people all around the world aspire to be a bit like him, both in his skill and in behaviour. He was regarded as a 'gentleman' who played with integrity. When asked to described a true sportsman he replied. " When considering the statute of an athlete or for that matter an person,  set great store in certain qualities which I believe to be essential in addition to skill. They are that the person conducts his of her life with dignity, with integrity, courage, and perhaps most of all, with modesty." Bradman showed all of these traits whilst being a captain. This shows that Don Bradman is altogether a perfect person.  


Don Bradman is one of my biggest inspirations. He is kind, clever, courageous and most of all a modest person. Bradman has inspired me to become a better person. Whether it is on a sporting ground or just in everyday life, he shows me that you should always be kind and to be courageous. He was kind, courageous and determined throughout his entire life, and look how far he went! I found it amazing when Bradman had set his mind to being a cricket player, then he worked so hard to achieve his goal. Then later on in his life he set his mind to be the captain of the Australian Cricket Team, once again he achieved that after a couple years of practice. His life shows how far you can get with a discipline and  practice.  


I have felt that Sir Donald Bradman was the best person for me to have as my notable. Throughout his life he was a kind, courageous and determined person, who, once they set their mind to a goal, they achieve that goal with an amount of practice. The reasons above state why I think Sir Donald Bradman is the singular greatest pick for me. Now, whenever I hear the name Don Bradman, I think of the kindest and the most modest man and a great Australian sportsman.  



Oliver Lynch 

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