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Don Bradman 


To be notable you have to change the world and make it a better place and have put people before themselves. Don Bradman fits this description of a notable person perfectly. Throughout his life he put others before himself. Then, later on he helped Australia through some of the toughest times there were. At the end of this piece of writing you will see how perfect of a person Don Bradman actually is. 


Firstly. His Achievements. At the young age of 19 he was asked to join the Australian cricket team. Making him one of the youngest ever person to play for Australia. While playing his first game for the team, in Adelaide, he scored a whopping 118 runs which was no small feat. A bit later in his life he was the first ever cricket player to be knitted. At the end of his cricket career, he had an average of 99.94 runs. He only needed to get 4 more runs to get to an average of 100. And sadly, in his last match he got out first ball ending his career on one of the worst possible outcomes a cricketer could think of.  


Secondly. Why is he a role model for me? I think Don Bradman is the best role model for myself  because he hah an extraordinary sense of responsibility. As a kid at school, he was the best player on their team.  With an unbreakable win streak, his team had previously never had such a streak. They began to gloat. The only one who was not showing off was the best player on the team, Don. It showed that he was mature all the way through his life. At the age of 13 his father took him to a test match in Sydney. He said to his dad. “I shall never be satisfied until I play on that pitch.” So, from that young age he had his mind set to become a cricketer. I find it amazing how he wanted to be a cricket player from the young age and he had that exact wish granted 6 years later after hard work. It shows that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. 


And finally. A recount of his life. On the 27 of August 1908 Donald Bradman was born in Cootamundra NSW. Most people think he was born in Bowral, but this is incorrect. He moved to Bowral when he was 2 years old. On the 8 September 1913 he started Bowral Public School. On the 19 November 1926, he played he first game of cricket for Australia scoring 118 runs. On the 6 February 1963, he played his very last match for Australia scoring zero runs. Then finally he died on the 25 of February 2001 in Kensington park, South Australia age 92. 


This shows you a life of a man who was responsible and never gave up on himself and his ideas. This is why I think Sir Donald Bradman was one of Australia's most notable person, and why I look up to him. I now hope you fell the same way as I do about this iconic Australian Figure. 

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